Konica Minolta

How Cab Engine created a global user community platform.

Social platform

Design & Development
Content platform, e-learning platform

Interactive design, user testing


Welcome to the world of Prokom

Our partnership

By working with stakeholders and the Konica Minolta community across 11 countries it was concluded that a bespoke platform was required to build an environment for business transformation and grow a community of profitable businesses through education, networking and shared experience and so Prokom was born.

Prokom is the community name for Konica Minolta. Once logged in the member has access to valuable online content and downloads as well as hot topics that every member is facing in their businesses.

Turning traditional into digital

Membership approach

By architecting a membership platform first the ecosystem was able to grow within a gated area. Membership was free to Konica Minolta users so to ensure unauthorised access we built a serial number validator against their product.

Social interaction

Every Prokom member can open a forum around any topic and connect with other members on the platform. The platform is able to adapt to 10 languages and bring countrywide members closer together.

Free knowledge

The platform provides free courses and training progress for its members. The training log is then monitored by the employer if they have employees on the system.


Building and growing a digital engine to increase memberships

View our Fitness First Partnership

Where would you like to go?

We’d love to understand more about your business needs and challenges. Talk to a team of exciting minds and create a collaborative partnership focused on driving growth for your business.

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